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Contact Us

Please note our new contact address in your files. Use this contact info for any questions regarding the Alokli website, performances, classes, workshops, or products. Your inquiries will receive a prompt response. Thanks!

Calling about public classes? We do not currently offer regular public dance classes in Philadelphia. If you're interested in learning the music and song or joining our performance group, please see the Classes Page first.

Calling about teaching/performing for your school/company/event? There's a brief summary of services on our Classes Page if you'd like to review that first -- or just call to discuss options & pricing. We can put together a perfect package for your event & budget. If you're looking for something that's not quite what we do, call anyway and we might be able to help you with a referral. Unless you have a travel budget, our usual neighborhood is the Philadelphia area and anywhere within a 2-hour driving radius.

Dan Gorlin, Director
Alokli West African Dance
PO Box 27086
Philadelphia, PA 19118

Phone: (215) 843-5566


Sending a check? Checks and money orders should be payable to "Dan Gorlin Productions ".

Sending a return or other shipment? Single books can be sent to the PO box listed above. Otherwise, please contact us for a street address.

Alokli Home PageAbout AlokliAlokli Dance and Drum ClassesWho Is AlokliTraditional African DancesArticles on African Music, Dance, CultureAlokli Photos, Ghana PhotosAfrican Music Audio ClipsAfrican Dance Video ClipsAlokli Online StoreAfrican Music and Dance LinksContact Alokli

Songs of West Africa Songbook/CD
Now online!

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All material © 2001 by Alokli West African Dance.
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